I'm very excited to be a part of this blog although I must admit, I'm not sure what I have to say that's very interesting -

ANYWAY! Like many of you I am around a small person the majority of the day, everyday of every week. While this is a wonderful miracle and blessing that we have the good fortune of having such a privilege it can also turn your view of the world on it's end.
For example, while in public on my own, without my charming daughter by my side, I happened to drop something on the floor at Target and a kind gentleman rushed over to help me retrieve it. While he was on his way over to help I said, "UGH OH!" and I have this capped because I kind of medium yelled it like a 2 year old.... he and I made eye contact and I realized I have lost the ability to interact with grown people!
I also have the hardest time resisting the need to parent other people's children... especially if I see them doing something bad. Is this normal? I have told kids to go find their parents while at the grocery store and given them the "warning" look that parents give letting their children know they are doing something wrong. Makes me feel like a crazy person! But there is just so much wrong in the world and I feel the personal vendetta to fix it! And now I sound like a super hero.
Here is an extreme example of me parenting when it's not my job... I was at Sunset Mall several months ago with Bella and we were in Icing looking at jewelry. There was this poor little girl in the ear piercing chair and her mother was literally screaming at her! I tried minding my own beeswax but when Bella started to get frightened I mentioned to the mother that if she wanted to step out front I would be more than happy to help the piercing lady... Come to find out the mother had successfully gotten one of the ears pierced and now her daughter of emphatically declaring that she WAS NOT getting her other ear pierced and she didn't care if she looked silly with only one done. Her mother stepped outside and I literally spent 30 minutes getting this kid calmed down and talked into even having the gun near her ear and then mom came in to check on her.... to make a possibly long boring story short I ended up with the little girl on my lap holding her still while her mom yelled at her so we could get her other ear done. Lol it was crazy! But my super hero spidey senses couldn't resist helping.....
I also can't seem to resist volunteering myself to help with everything in the universe =) Which I'm honestly happy to do except I always seem to overbook myself (speaking of which don't forget to check out my Santa sessions coming up!) I'm always painting something for someone or fixing something... I just can't help helping people.... And I happen to have the "I'm the only one in the universe that can do this correctly" bone, which means it's usually just me working on these projects.
Life would be so much simpler if I could accept help from helpers as willing to busy themselves such as I.... but here I am forgetting what sleep is and dropping my kid off at daycare looking like I don't own a mirror. At the end of the day I am a very blessed lady... with a gorgeous loving family and amazing friends and a fantastic business that allows me to keep my own hours and use my creativity; so really what is there to complain about?
Life is what you make it really.... and your're the one you have to be ok with at the end of it. So I guess if you can't resist helping the terrified little girl afraid of the gun that already shot one of her ears or you have once again volunteered to make a billion cookies for the church bake sale that's what makes me who I am. I hope you've all enjoyed this and it doesn't stink too bad.... Looking forward to constructive comments and to better planned out posts. BTW... I still wonder why the piercing lady didn't get her buddy over and just do both ears at once.... peace.