Thursday, August 16, 2012

Procrastinators Unite!

I haven't bought one single school supply yet.  Nary a pencil.  In fact, I just printed the list out today.

School clothes?  Surely you jest.

What's the hold up?  I hate doing it.  I hate it.  I loathe shopping.  I guess I'm not your typical female.

Maybe I can shop online this year.  Wouldn't that be great?  How many of you have schools where the PTO/PTA has a fundraiser that does the shopping for you?  I wish ours did.  Of course I'd avoid the committee like the plague.  But I'd ante up for sure.

On top of all that, I'm not ready for school to start yet.  I feel like the summer just started.  We've been so busy.  I don't want the fun to end.  In the past, I've been itching for school to begin again.  I changed up our game plan this summer and have managed to keep the kids busy with various things.  And it has made the time FLY by.

Procrastinators - - unite with me.  Let's dig our heels in the ground a little longer.  Can we get that groundhog and use him as a gauge?  Six more weeks of summer?  Yes please.

Think it will work?


  1. He, he, I totally get this. I used to do the same thing, but with 3 kids, it simply is too expensive to do it all at once. Especially knowing I will have more after school starts. Also being that most of the time the stores were out of items..I'm sure we have all had the construction paper So the last 2 years, I have actually stopped procrastinating & done it throughout the summer. I start in June when I get the first lists in the last day package sent home. Slowly, I wait for sales, coupons & check out clearance racks as I shop for regular needed Items. This year I was able to get my 11 year old daughter 2 pairs of nice tennis shoes for about $22. Converse $13 & Polo $9!!! For real, both clearanced down to the last percentage. My son who is 6 ft tall & stick $10 for 2 pairs of jeans at Rue21 & pd a little more for 2 other pairs, but both $25 or less.I hate to shop too, but it has saved me so much money doing it a little at a time. All I have left before the first day lists for Hi & Jr Hi are 2 pairs of scissors (in which I refuse to pay $5 a pair for). I feel your pain, but I enjoyed summer much more knowing I wouldn't have to starve my family for 2 weeks just to be able to get the basics.

  2. I bought backpacks off of Amazon today. Yay me.

  3. I start buying months ahead. But that mostly because 2 birthday, and 3 kids going to school create a major expense if I don't plan ahead way ahead.

  4. I kinda wish schools would buy the supplies themselves and we could just have the option to pay for them. We procrastinated to the point of not being able to find several things on the list, as well as buying some of the wrong things... Clothes and shoes aren't hard to find especially with the option of buying supplies on the other hand are another story. :)
