Thursday, December 27, 2012
My house got run over by a reindeer
How often must I reopen a box or run another item to storage?
I'll tell you something, if putting away the decorations was as much fun as decorating, I would go all out for every holiday. Unfortunately, for me that isn't the case, but definitely worth the effort for the joys of the next year.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Live Without Fear
Rumors of threats at schools Friday had them questioning whether they wanted to go today.
"There are no guarantees in life," I told them, "Something can happen anytime, anywhere, and no one ever knows what tomorrow will bring."
Although the rumors are hopefully just that, SAISD and the San Angelo Police Department are being proactive by placing patrol officers at every campus- even elementary schools.
What does sending them to school teach them? Maybe nothing.
And, of course I pray for their safety, as I do every day...
But, hopefully it will teach them to rise above their fears, live life to the fullest, and never let anyone's words bully them into cowering in their home.
12-21-12 is the last day of school before Christmas Break! Enjoy it~ Lol, it's the last break "we" get for two weeks ;)
Have a great day!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Contest Announcement!
Two winners will get to have their pictures taken with Santa at Sunset Mall!
Just write your name in a comment below. All names will be entered into, and two will be randomly selected. Winners must be followers of, and the SanAngeloMoms Blog ("Like" the Facebook page, and "Join" the Blog).
Submissions will be taken until Friday, 12/21 at 9:00 a.m. Winners will be announced at noon on Friday.
Good Luck!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Baby's Health Alert: It's RSV Season
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Cancer survivor.... I think.
Six months ago I went into the dermatologist's office because I knew I had one cancer spot on my face. I knew it was cancer because it never healed... it would look like a pimple and then would crust over like a scab and bleed a little then repeat.... Well I had it for about 8 months before I knew myself it was cancer then I waited another 2 years to have it checked because... I was scared. dumb.
After I healed from my surgery I was told I needed to do chemo to kill all my pre-cancer. For one month I had to apply a topical chemo cream to my face once in the morning and then again at night before I went to bed. Nothing happened for about two weeks and then like some kind of evil magic I looked like I dumped hot oil on my face....
Welts started appearing on the sides of my nose first which wasn't too bad, it was like having a really bad cold and only having paper towels to wipe your nose with, but after the 3rd week I was in total pain. I am in no way complaining because I finished my treatment and am thankful that I caught it all before I had to have more surgeries to have it all removed.
I missed having my baby be able to touch my face and giving her kisses without fear of her touching this toxic cream and getting it on her face. The sun made me feel like a vampire!!! When the sun was directly on my face I literally was in pain like I would catch into a big mass of burning flames and turn into dust. I found myself vomiting and would get random nose bleeds. I was exhausted all the time and just didn't feel like myself which I of coarse expected to happen but things always stink a little more when your actually doing them instead of mentally preparing yourself for them =)
These "spots" or "scabs" look like severe acne from a distance and I have gotten so many disgusted looks and know people talk about me when I'm at the store... gives me a new perspective on people that look different that I see... I have always tried to be compassionate and not to stare and have taught my daughter to do the same though it's a very difficult thing for 2 year olds to do, lol.
I have had people tell me that I should wear makeup to cover it up so I don't scare children during my photo shoots but I can't because it can cause an infection..... through it all I kept a smile on my face.
Luckily for me I have a loving family and friends and wonderful clients that stood by my side and kept me incredibly busy the entire treatment time so I didn't have a chance to sit and dwell on everything and feel sorry for myself. I don't know what I would have done if I would have been left at home all day every day like I had planned when I first found out I had to do chemo. I have received many messages over my treatment coarse telling me of alternate treatments and how chemo is poison and can actually kill you faster than some of the organic remedies, though harsh I don't think my topical chemo is as hard core as the other types of chemo. And it got me thinking.... how does someone decide what to do?
My cancer was pretty easy to treat and made me funny looking but what does someone with liver cancer do? Someone with lung cancer? They know how harsh their treatments will be and that it could kill them... do they do chemo? Do they do the organic remedies and just hope that all the online research is true and that God will pull them through? I am a God fearing and loving woman but I'm not sure that I would be ok with just leaving my life up to this new research and prayers, as horrible as that sounds.
On one hand chemo has worked for some and on the other hand I have read endless testimonies about people dying from the chemo alone. I imagine doctors make a killing off of it too.... no pun intended. I had a checkup 2 days ago and my dr told me that she wants me to do another round of chemo in 2 months to make sure I have killed all the cancer on my face. If this doesn't work I will have surgery on my face yet again and I am very torn on how to feel about this.
I am facing at least a month of healing for these sores to heal and then I will have a burned/red look on my skin for about a year already.... I would like to hear your thoughts on this subject... am I really off???
Perfect Parenting Misperception
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Giving BIG, Even When You Have Little
Friday, December 14, 2012
Santa's Black Card
Before I get to this blog post, I just wanted to share a few things about it. I originally had this published in a paper I write for (Laurel Leader-Call) with the hopes that others would read it and share with me some of their own ideas about "gift condensing," and that's exactly what they did! With that being said, please post in the comment section any ideas or gift giving traditions that play out in your families on Christmas morning. I'm always eager to learn. This post does reflect my religious belief, but I'm going to hope no one takes offense to it. I promise I'm not trying to push any thing on anyone. :)
Santa’s Black Card
It’s Christmas, and the must-have-it-all attitude has nearly consumed the children in my home.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
However there is also another tradition that I feel is just as important and that is to remember those who are less fortunate. Whether they are unemployed, battling an illness or alone, they do not feel the joy that so many of us are relishing during this time. I want to encourage my child to think of others and while the needs are always there, it seems especially important during the holidays.
Whether it is serving meals to others, donating a gift, visiting a shut-in, or another worthwhile cause we share the true meaning of the holiday season.
In our everyday lives it is so easy to forget that there are many out there struggling. My son is too young to fully understand what the statement of “give and you shall receive” really means, but there is no time like the present to start teaching that philosophy. That falls upon me as his mother to encourage and foster a spirit of giving.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
I remember a couple of other times throughout my life that the world was supposed to come to an end- One was the year 1984, where people spent the entire year thinking that George Orwell's book, "1984" would come to fruition, and the world would end up under the rule of Communism or something like it. The other was New Year's Eve, 1999 (and then again on NYE 2000, when people said that THAT was the actual new beginning of the millennium).
I actually had a saleslady in Florida tell me that "at least I wouldn't have to renew my driver's license," since it expired on my birthday in 2000.
In all three cases, we managed to survive, political parties intact, and woke up the next morning with a (insert sarcasm here) collective sigh of relief.
I plan to do the same on 12-21-12. (And if I'm wrong, this post won't matter, will it? ;) )
In the meantime, I plan to merrily take part in all the "End of the World" sales and parties that seem to be planned. Did anyone else go past the sign on Knickerbocker, see the "Mayan Calendar Sale" sign, and think they were going to be able to go buy a Mayan calendar?
My daughter did, told me about it, and I was *in the parking lot* telling my husband about it on the phone, when he filled me in, that it was just a gimmick!
I know, I know, some of you have probably just lost h-u-g-e amounts of respect for me, but, admit it-- WHO else thought the same thing? I know there are others out there!!!
Now that I know it's a sale on JEWELRY, I'm going in today to buy a Christmas gift for my daughter. Lol, and just for fun, I'll ask them if there was anyone else who thought they'd be selling Mayan calendars!
I'll let you know what I find out.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Fun Gift Ideas
Want to give some great personalized gifts, but don't want to pay high prices? Well I have a solution for you! It requires thought, love, and a little bit of your time but it is way cheaper, and often more precious than a storebought bauble.
Here are some great ideas for gifts that family will love and won't break the bank:
1. Bath salts
2. Tea soaps
3. Glass etched plates and bakeware
4. Homeade lip balm
5. Recipes in a jar
6. Photo magnets
7. Canvas pictures
8. Homeade playdough
9. Homeade bubbles
10. Jewerly
You can do anything from friendship bracelets, glass necklaces, earrings, etc. Skill levels beginner to intermediate. Check your local craft store for ideas
12. Photo keychains
Buy a photo keychain and add the photo :-)
...and more. Be as creative as you can be. Just google or pinterest what you want and let the fun begin!
Monday, December 10, 2012
I have found as not only a Mother, but a preschool age educator, that visual aids are the best way to make children understand what you are trying to teach them. One of my favorite activities goes beyond a temporary visual aid.
Our children grow on a daily basis. We don’t notice it on a daily basis, but one day we look at them and realize they are getting big a lot sooner than we want them to. I like to show them the process of growing requires love, nurturing, and nourishing.
Plant a seed with your child to show them all of these things.
While planting the seed, explain that the seed is small and requires water, sunlight, and their attention to grow. After planting the seed, take a picture of your child holding their pot. During the growing process of this plant, explain how the plant changes on a daily basis and how your child’s love is helping the plant to grow.
After 6 months, take another picture of your child with this plant and you will be amazed at how much they have grown. Then a year later, take another picture of your child with the plant and compare it to the two previous photos. Point out to your child all of the growing they have done since the previous photos, and explain that good nutrition, love and nurturing have contributed to their growth just like they offered to their plant. This is a great project to begin the new year with.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Getting Out
Our favorite thing to say about our duty stations is, "It's what you make of it!" if you want it to be fun, you will make it fun. If you don't.. well you get my drift.
Our son participated in the Military Bootcamp at Christmas at Old Ft. Concho. It was such a cute event, we will def do it again next year. We didn't get a chance to walk around much as we had a Christmas party to attend so today we are headed back! It is an experience I recommend to any and all military families stationed here in San Angelo.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Elf Hate. Really?
Elf on the Shelf.
I don't understand the hate.
Actually, it boggles my mind. Love him or hate him, he (or she) is all the buzz this year. It's a tradition that my family started last year. He arrived on our fireplace mantle and has been a Christmas fixture for a second holiday season in a row.
Just a cute little tradition. Right? Apparently some don't think so. Us "elf moms" have been accused of using our elves as leverage with our children. He's an evil, little, tattle-tale spawn of Santa that only serves to spy on our children. I know. Like I said. It's mind-boggling.
Some say he's even creepy. (I think it's the eyes.) But if you think about it, the whole concept of flying reindeer (one with a shiny red nose) and a fat man sliding down a chimney in the middle of the night bearing gifts - - that sounds pretty creepy. Unless you allow yourself to play along with the magic of Christmas.
And that's what we do around our home. We celebrate both the religious and the traditional. And we're not ashamed of it.
Stanley (our elf) has been a lot of fun. He's not mean. He's not angry. He doesn't destroy things. He doesn't scare our children. And he doesn't make me crazy trying to come up with things for him to do. I have fun with Stanley. I don't have a calendar with crazy antics to follow. I just do it. Some ideas I get off of Pinterest (the new crack for women) or believe it or not, some of the ideas just pop into my head. Sometimes those ideas hit at 6:00 a.m. when I wake up and realize that Stanley didn't "move" during the night. (Hence him planking on the fireplace mantle this morning. That was a close call.)
But you know what? If Stanley doesn't move, he doesn't move. It's not the end of the world.
I also don't feel the need to sleep with one eye open either. I don't think he's going to kill me in my sleep. (If he does, PLEASE mention it at my memorial service. That would SO be worth mentioning.)
I digress.
Here's the thing. Not everyone does Santa. Or the Elf. Or Christmas. Your house, your choice. But don't steal the thunder from those of us that do celebrate. Just "merrily" hide us on Facebook until after our elves leave and life returns to normal. (That's what I did with my November "thankful" friends.)
Don't hate on the elf. Be glad that he/she brings some extra fun to an already hectic time of the year. And if you get the added benefit of slightly better behavior, be glad.
Ho, ho, ho,
Becky (and Stanley)
P.S. Comment and leave your elf on the shelf ideas. Copy. Use as your own. And HAVE FUN!!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Let the Craziness Begin!
We celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah in our house. The first night of Hanukkah starts tomorrow night (12/8), and it runs eight days (nights) through Saturday, 12/15.
For those unfamiliar with the holiday, we light a menorah, one candle for each night, every night for eight nights. So tomorrow, we start with one candle (two actually, including the "leader" candle), and end up with eight (nine) on the last night.
The kids get a small gift each night, but "small" is relative. While I can get away with dollar store items with my little ones, it's a little harder to please the older ones. And, even though "it's not about the gifts" (sound familiar?), I don't want them to think of Hanukkah as the holiday where they got the "cheap" presents, and Christmas as the "good" present holiday, so we try to mix them up. Again, I know it's not about the gifts, but, kids are kids. :)
Either way, I have four kids, who each get a present a night for eight nights. Yup, you got it- 32 gifts in a week and a day! In addition, I have a couple of Hanukkah presentations, a Hanukkah party, and LOTS of cooking (all yummy, fat-filled foods) over the next week.
Then, the fun begins. Since Hanukkah and Christmas don't run through each other this year (they sometimes do), we are going to decorate for Christmas starting on December 16, after the Hanukkah celebration is over.

Finally, Christmas comes five days later... My husband usually takes pity on me, and we go out to eat, instead of me cooking more :) So, after a morning of opening presents, putting things together, and playing with new toys, we get dressed and go to lunch. Then, movies in the afternoon! Sometimes at home, sometimes at the theater- THIS year, I'm going to see Les Miserables with some friends, and whichever of my children I can get to come with me!
After Christmas is over, we have to get it all put away, because we're off to visit family for New Years.
And, while we're there, we celebrate my son's 15th (!) birthday!
Then we come home, rest for a couple of days, and get ready for school, and the REAL craziness of the spring semester :)
Crazy, you say? Yes, I have to agree. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. As busy as our December is, it is filled with traditions, celebrations, and most important, family.
And THAT's what the spirit of the holidays should be.
Friday, November 30, 2012
The Mommy Super Hero
I'm very excited to be a part of this blog although I must admit, I'm not sure what I have to say that's very interesting -

ANYWAY! Like many of you I am around a small person the majority of the day, everyday of every week. While this is a wonderful miracle and blessing that we have the good fortune of having such a privilege it can also turn your view of the world on it's end.
For example, while in public on my own, without my charming daughter by my side, I happened to drop something on the floor at Target and a kind gentleman rushed over to help me retrieve it. While he was on his way over to help I said, "UGH OH!" and I have this capped because I kind of medium yelled it like a 2 year old.... he and I made eye contact and I realized I have lost the ability to interact with grown people!
I also have the hardest time resisting the need to parent other people's children... especially if I see them doing something bad. Is this normal? I have told kids to go find their parents while at the grocery store and given them the "warning" look that parents give letting their children know they are doing something wrong. Makes me feel like a crazy person! But there is just so much wrong in the world and I feel the personal vendetta to fix it! And now I sound like a super hero.
Here is an extreme example of me parenting when it's not my job... I was at Sunset Mall several months ago with Bella and we were in Icing looking at jewelry. There was this poor little girl in the ear piercing chair and her mother was literally screaming at her! I tried minding my own beeswax but when Bella started to get frightened I mentioned to the mother that if she wanted to step out front I would be more than happy to help the piercing lady... Come to find out the mother had successfully gotten one of the ears pierced and now her daughter of emphatically declaring that she WAS NOT getting her other ear pierced and she didn't care if she looked silly with only one done. Her mother stepped outside and I literally spent 30 minutes getting this kid calmed down and talked into even having the gun near her ear and then mom came in to check on her.... to make a possibly long boring story short I ended up with the little girl on my lap holding her still while her mom yelled at her so we could get her other ear done. Lol it was crazy! But my super hero spidey senses couldn't resist helping.....
I also can't seem to resist volunteering myself to help with everything in the universe =) Which I'm honestly happy to do except I always seem to overbook myself (speaking of which don't forget to check out my Santa sessions coming up!) I'm always painting something for someone or fixing something... I just can't help helping people.... And I happen to have the "I'm the only one in the universe that can do this correctly" bone, which means it's usually just me working on these projects.
Life would be so much simpler if I could accept help from helpers as willing to busy themselves such as I.... but here I am forgetting what sleep is and dropping my kid off at daycare looking like I don't own a mirror. At the end of the day I am a very blessed lady... with a gorgeous loving family and amazing friends and a fantastic business that allows me to keep my own hours and use my creativity; so really what is there to complain about?
Life is what you make it really.... and your're the one you have to be ok with at the end of it. So I guess if you can't resist helping the terrified little girl afraid of the gun that already shot one of her ears or you have once again volunteered to make a billion cookies for the church bake sale that's what makes me who I am. I hope you've all enjoyed this and it doesn't stink too bad.... Looking forward to constructive comments and to better planned out posts. BTW... I still wonder why the piercing lady didn't get her buddy over and just do both ears at once.... peace.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
FYI Flu Season is Here!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thankful Turkey
Friday, November 16, 2012
Life of an Army Wife
This is my first post with San Angelo Moms and I'm super excited to be a part of this team. I look forward to learning more about San Angelo and the surrounding areas. We love to travel around the areas we are stationed at. We also love learning about history and San Angelo is so full of history- we are loving that. We are very excited about the upcoming holidays, the Christmas at Fort Concho is one of the highlights for us.
A bit about our family- we have two boys ages 1 and 6. We are originally from Texas and have lived in North Carolina and Florida, thanks to the Army. My husband and I have been married for 12 years. We enjoy traveling as a family, having fun and eating at new places- we are totally those people that check Food Network before we go anywhere. We'd hate to miss eating anywhere Guy Fieri has eaten- so we hit those spots too.
I enjoy being active with the other spouses in my husbands unit and thankfully I have made connections. This weekend I'll be helping out with the ladies of A company at the Community Appreciation Day and Santa's Market on base. A company has a bratwurst food stand so if you come out to the base come say hello and buy some lunch.
My future posts will be about being a military spouse, about raising military children or "military brats" as some call them, and sweepstakes. That odd little bit is my other gig and hobby. I started entering sweepstakes over a year ago- seriously. And by seriously I mean entering daily and winning. My wins have varied from electronics to airline tickets and a lot of other awesome stuff in between. It's a lot fun and even more fun when you win! Stay tuned and leave me some questions if you'd like more info on sites I use etc.
New and excited-
Monday, November 12, 2012
Surviving Christmas
Christmas is just around the corner. Before you know it, you'll be sipping a peppermint latte in front of a warm fire watching as your kids play with this years' hottest toys. You sigh of relief, Christmas was a success, and best of all you made it without one single meltdown. You wonder, "Wasn't Christmas more than this when I was younger? After all, Christmas is about giving and everyone knows I did a lot of that, so what's with the sigh of relief? Why am I feeling empty inside?"
With all the shopping, the events, the looming list of recipents with your tight budget, charities, everything can seem overwhelming. Everyone wants an iphone, or the ipad, a new laptop, and there's nothing wrong with that but frankly, those things aren't cheap. So in starts the panic over gifts to buy (and not enough money to buy them) you feel obligated to go out and buy the best, making sure to get a gift receipt-just in case. You feel inadequete when you don't go all out. You're tired before Christmas starts & you want everything to be perfect for Christmas dinner. Everyone is tense, and you're smile becomes tight. So when the time comes, you don't notice. Then its over and you breathe the sigh of relief.
Christmas doesn't have to be like that. Here are some tips to get you through this year:
1. Christmas is to celebrate Jesus coming into this world. God gave him as the greatest gift to us. This is about him & God's love for us, his children.
2. Christmas is about giving-I'm not saying go all out. This isn't required or expected. Slow down. Give yourself. Nobody wants you to be uptight or depressed. Give yourself. Make time for the things that are important to you & your family. Make christmas cookies, watch your favorite Christmas movie, spend time with the ones you love. Make memories.
3. Enlist your kids and husband (if applicable) to help you make gifts. This can be a family activity and the
repicient will be glad to get something so meaningful. For ideas of what to make, try pinterest.
4. Pick a charity or two and help out. If you can't afford much more than sticking your spare chance in the salvation army buckets, don't feel bad, it adds up.-and stick to it.
5. Remember extended family members & friends can make do with a card. Or even just a Christmas wish. They understand.
6. You don't have to go all out on your family Christmas cards. You can have a family member or friend take your family picture and you can create them from there. 7. Teach your kids the meaning of Christmas. Read them a story, cuddle with them & remember all the things you were thankful for around Thanksgiving.
So when the time comes, you can enjoy Christmas, and drink your peppermint latte with a smile because you are so blessed.
Single Plus One
I am unaware of the author of the prayer, but I know that we single moms can definitely relate to saying a prayer like this on a regular basis. With only one set of eyes, ears, hands and feet it seems like there is never enough time to see, hear and do all the things we wish to do with our children. Our feet are running in every which direction and we are constantly juggling time demands which can lead to exhaustion and burn out. So the one thing that single moms need to remember is to ask their friends, family or support system for help. Asking for help does not imply that we are weak or ineffective parents, in fact quite the contrary, it shows great strength. For those single moms who do not have a good support network, reach out to groups like SanAngeloMoms and network with others who are in similar situations. It is very comforting to know that many people are in the same boat you are. Whether a woman is a single mom by choice, widowed, divorce or other circumstances, listening to other mom’s experiences can be a great resource. There are all kinds of self-help books, which can be great, but lets face it, if you are a single mom, you probably don’t have much time for leisurely reading. I have received countless pieces of advice from the other moms that I know and it has saved me a lot of worry and anxiety. So, to all the single moms out there, pat yourself on the back for playing the role of both mom and dad , take a deep breath and remember that there are many resources out there to help you get through struggles you may face.