Saturday, December 8, 2012

Elf Hate. Really?

Who would have thought this would be such a controversial topic?

 Elf on the Shelf.

 I don't understand the hate.

Actually, it boggles my mind. Love him or hate him, he (or she) is all the buzz this year. It's a tradition that my family started last year. He arrived on our fireplace mantle and has been a Christmas fixture for a second holiday season in a row.

Just a cute little tradition. Right? Apparently some don't think so. Us "elf moms" have been accused of using our elves as leverage with our children. He's an evil, little, tattle-tale spawn of Santa that only serves to spy on our children. I know. Like I said. It's mind-boggling.

Some say he's even creepy.  (I think it's the eyes.)  But if you think about it, the whole concept of flying reindeer (one with a shiny red nose) and a fat man sliding down a chimney in the middle of the night bearing gifts - - that sounds pretty creepy.  Unless you allow yourself to play along with the magic of Christmas.

And that's what we do around our home.  We celebrate both the religious and the traditional.  And we're not ashamed of it.

Stanley (our elf) has been a lot of fun.  He's not mean.  He's not angry.  He doesn't destroy things.  He doesn't scare our children.  And he doesn't make me crazy trying to come up with things for him to do.  I have fun with Stanley.  I don't have a calendar with crazy antics to follow.  I just do it.  Some ideas I get off of Pinterest (the new crack for women) or believe it or not, some of the ideas just pop into my head.  Sometimes those ideas hit at 6:00 a.m. when I wake up and realize that Stanley didn't "move" during the night. (Hence him planking on the fireplace mantle this morning.  That was a close call.)

But you know what?  If Stanley doesn't move, he doesn't move.  It's not the end of the world.

I also don't feel the need to sleep with one eye open either.  I don't think he's going to kill me in my sleep.  (If he does, PLEASE mention it at my memorial service.  That would SO be worth mentioning.)

I digress.

Here's the thing.  Not everyone does Santa.  Or the Elf.  Or Christmas.  Your house, your choice.  But don't steal the thunder from those of us that do celebrate.  Just "merrily" hide us on Facebook until after our elves leave and life returns to normal.  (That's what I did with my November "thankful" friends.)

Don't hate on the elf.  Be glad that he/she brings some extra fun to an already hectic time of the year.  And if you get the added benefit of slightly better behavior, be glad.

Ho, ho, ho,

Becky (and Stanley)

P.S.  Comment and leave your elf on the shelf ideas.  Copy.  Use as your own.  And HAVE FUN!!!


  1. You go girl! I love it. I just wish that my girls were little enough for it. You can be sure I'll be getting one for grandkids when that time comes.

  2. Pinterest = crack for women...HA! :)

  3. I'm glad somebody mentioned this. It's so weird how controversal this is. Its just for fun! Lol. I know what you mean about santa clause watching you ;-), and we still let him in! We don't have the traditonal elf. He's a croqhet one. But we use it to spread the Christmas cheer. A lot like you do. Its our first year and so far he's done like 2 things. He's a forgetful elf.

  4. I'm glad somebody mentioned this. It's so weird how controversal this is. Its just for fun! Lol. I know what you mean about santa clause watching you ;-), and we still let him in! We don't have the traditonal elf. He's a croqhet one. But we use it to spread the Christmas cheer. A lot like you do. Its our first year and so far he's done like 2 things. He's a forgetful elf.
