Sunday, November 4, 2012

Finally in her own bed!

Okay, so I know a lot of moms will think I'm CRAZY, but my two-year-old has been sleeping with us- either in our room (in her crib) or in our bed- her whole life. What's makes it even crazier, is that she's our 4th one- not our first.

I know, I know, we should know better by now. But, in our defense, she was a long-time coming. After my third one was born- the 3rd of three pregnancies- I had two miscarriages and a still-birth (at 39 weeks) before we had Allyson.

So, to say the least, we were scared in the beginning. Then, her sleeping with us just became habit. Then, we were too lazy to get her toddler bed set up (She was not having anything to do with her crib).

Now that she's two, she LOVES Mickey Mouse and the Disney Princesses. While shopping at Target a couple of weeks ago, I found a Princess toddler bed! Then, I found Minnie Mouse bedding on clearance! Doesn't get any better than that, does it?

Actually, it does.

When we got her bed put together, she couldn't wait to sleep in it. Remember, though, I've done this three times before. So, I knew to expect a little bit (a lot) of a fit at bedtime.

To my surprise, it wasn't bad. At all. There was a little wimpering, but she was so excited about sleeping in her new bed, she fell asleep, in her new bed, without much of a problem. While we still have the typical "I'm not tired" and "I don't want to go to sleep" at bedtime, for the most part, she has been the easiest transition of the four.

I had to laugh tonight- With the time change, she was soooo tired at bedtime. She was snuggling next to me on the couch, and out of the blue, said, "I go night-night my princess bed."

Before she had a second to change her mind, I brought her into her room, kissed her goodnight, and watched as she pulled the blanket around her, curled up, and went to sleep.

While the whole co-sleeping thing is somewhat controversial, I think there might be something to it... While yes, sleeping with a toddler is not always easy, for us, it worked. And really, I think that's the goal of parenting- to find what works best for you and your child(ren), regardless of what others think.

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