Monday, November 12, 2012

Single Plus One

Hi San Angelo Moms! I am Lea and I am going to be blogging about issues and parenting from the single mom’s point of view. My son is 7 months old, so I am quite new to the parenting arena and I have so enjoyed reading tips and hints from other moms. I think that is one of the best things about the group is, we are all here to encourage and support one another on this parenting endeavor.

I am going to use my first blog to encourage all the single moms out there. A dear friend of mine, who is also a single mom, gave me a prayer entitled “The Single Parents Prayer”

Single Parents’ Prayer
Lord ~ grant me time enough
to do all the chores
join in the games
help with the lessons
say the night prayers
and still have a few moments left for me.
Lord ~ grant me energy enough
to be the bread-baker and breadwinner
knee-patcher and peacemaker
ball player and bill juggler.
Lord ~ grant me hands enough
to wipe away the tears
to reach out when I’m needed
to hug ~ to tickle ~ to touch.
Lord grant me heart enough
to share ~ to care ~ to listen
to understand
and to make a loving home for my family.

I am unaware of the author of the prayer, but I know that we single moms can definitely relate to saying a prayer like this on a regular basis. With only one set of eyes, ears, hands and feet it seems like there is never enough time to see, hear and do all the things we wish to do with our children.  Our feet are running in every which direction and we are constantly juggling time demands which can lead to exhaustion and burn out. So the one thing that single moms need to remember is to ask their friends, family or support system for help. Asking for help does not imply that we are weak or ineffective parents, in fact quite the contrary, it shows great strength. For those single moms who do not have a good support network, reach out to groups like SanAngeloMoms and network with others who are in similar situations. It is very comforting to know that many people are in the same boat you are. Whether a woman is a single mom by choice, widowed, divorce or other circumstances, listening to other mom’s experiences can be a great resource. There are all kinds of self-help books, which can be great, but lets face it, if you are a single mom, you probably don’t have much time for leisurely reading. I have received countless pieces of advice from the other moms that I know and it has saved me a lot of worry and anxiety.  So, to all the single moms out there, pat yourself on the back for playing the role of both mom and dad , take a deep breath and remember that there are many resources out there to help you get through struggles you may face.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on taking the step to encourage others. Sometimes it's not easy but you will reach those who are meant to be reached :-)

    I'm not a single mom now bur I used to be so I know the struggles. Plus, I'm a special needs mom. God bless

