Monday, November 12, 2012

Surviving Christmas

   Christmas is just around the corner. Before you know it, you'll be sipping a peppermint latte in front of a warm fire watching as your kids play with this years' hottest toys. You sigh of relief, Christmas was a success, and best of all you made it without one single meltdown. You wonder, "Wasn't Christmas more than this when I was younger? After all, Christmas is about giving and everyone knows I did a lot of that, so what's with the sigh of relief? Why am I feeling empty inside?"
   With all the shopping, the events, the looming list of recipents with your tight budget, charities, everything can seem overwhelming. Everyone wants an iphone, or the ipad, a new laptop, and there's nothing wrong with that but frankly, those things aren't cheap. So in starts the panic over gifts to buy (and not enough money to buy them) you feel obligated to go out and buy the best, making sure to get a gift receipt-just in case. You feel inadequete when you don't go all out. You're tired before Christmas starts & you want everything to be perfect for Christmas dinner. Everyone is tense, and you're smile becomes tight. So when the time comes, you don't notice. Then its over and you breathe the sigh of relief.
   Christmas doesn't have to be like that. Here are some tips to get you through this year:

1. Christmas is to celebrate Jesus coming into this world. God gave him as the greatest gift to us. This is about him & God's love for us, his children.
2. Christmas is about giving-I'm not saying go all out. This isn't required or expected. Slow down. Give yourself. Nobody wants you to be uptight or depressed. Give yourself. Make time for the things that are important to you & your family. Make christmas cookies, watch your favorite Christmas movie, spend time with the ones you love. Make memories.
3. Enlist your kids and husband (if applicable) to help you make gifts. This can be a family activity and the 
repicient will be glad to get something so meaningful. For ideas of what to make, try pinterest.
4. Pick a charity or two and help out. If you can't afford much more than sticking your spare chance in the salvation army buckets, don't feel bad, it adds up.-and stick to it.
5. Remember extended family members & friends can make do with a card. Or even just a Christmas wish. They understand.
6. You don't have to go all out on your family Christmas cards. You can have a family member or friend take your family picture and you can create them from there. 7. Teach your kids the meaning of Christmas. Read them a story, cuddle with them & remember all the things you were thankful for around Thanksgiving.

So when the time comes, you can enjoy Christmas, and drink your peppermint latte with a smile because you are so blessed.

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