Monday, December 10, 2012

As most Mothers know, young children learn with their senses. We can say something until we are blue in the face, but until they actually see it or feel it they really don’t understand what you are talking about.
I have found as not only a Mother, but a preschool age educator, that visual aids are the best way to make children understand what you are trying to teach them. One of my favorite activities goes beyond a temporary visual aid.
Our children grow on a daily basis. We don’t notice it on a daily basis, but one day we look at them and realize they are getting big a lot sooner than we want them to. I like to show them the process of growing requires love, nurturing, and nourishing.
Plant a seed with your child to show them all of these things.
While planting the seed, explain that the seed is small and requires water, sunlight, and their attention to grow. After planting the seed, take a picture of your child holding their pot. During the growing process of this plant, explain how the plant changes on a daily basis and how your child’s love is helping the plant to grow.
After 6 months, take another picture of your child with this plant and you will be amazed at how much they have grown. Then a year later, take another picture of your child with the plant and compare it to the two previous photos. Point out to your child all of the growing they have done since the previous photos, and explain that good nutrition, love and nurturing have contributed to their growth just like they offered to their plant. This is a great project to begin the new year with.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post this is! It helped me remember that children don't stay children for long but nurturing and love help them grow into what they're supposed to be! Also that is a great activity idea ill have to try it with my littles sometime.
