Monday, August 20, 2012

Major milestone!

When our children are little, it seems like our lives are filled with milestones- first word, first tooth, first step, first day of preschool.

Then they start kindergarten, and the milestones, while they still happen, somehow seem less monumental. Aside from learning to read and assorted sports goals made, the major milestones were pretty much at a standstill throughout elementary school.

Then they start middle school, and the milestones start up again, for just a little while- first time babysitting, puberty, first dance, various academic awards.

Today, my oldest reached what I think is her most major milestone since her first day of kindergarten~ She got her driver's license! Not her permit, which freaked me out just a little last year, her real, honest-to-goodness Texas driver's license.

Let me tell you, I don't think I have ever felt quite the same feeling as I did when watching my daughter drive away- without another adult in the car- for the first time today.

While no tears were shed, I couldn't get over how just *weird* it was to see my oldest child driving off to band practice- without me having to be by her side. (Sshhh- don't tell her I took a picture- She'd think that was "lame.")

While this will probably be her most significant milestone until she graduates from high school, there are still a couple coming up in our house in the near future- My son turns 15 in December, which means another learning permit, and hopefully sooner than that, my two-year-old will be potty trained!

Luckily for me, more milestones mean more blog material :) 


  1. Yay so proud now she can drivecand baby sit for me :)

  2. Yay for new milestones... I will probably cry when mine are that age, I wish they would stay little longer! :)
