Monday, September 24, 2012

Relish Cooking Show Contest

Alright, Moms~ The Relish Cooking Show, sponsored by the San Angelo Standard-Times, is THIS Thursday!

If you've never been to a cooking show, they are so.much.FUN! We've had cooking shows in San Angelo before, but this one is put on by a different company. Basically, they cook several different recipes on stage, sharing hints and tips as they go.

The goody bags always have great stuff in them, and there are always prizes and lots of fun! 

I have a bunch of tickets to give away, and my marketing director wants me to make it "a little fun." So, here's what we came up with...

Post your favorite recipe (main dish, side dish, salad, dessert, etc) here, for a chance to win 2 tickets. The tickets have a $30 value, so it will be worth a few minutes of your time to post a recipe :)

You have until 10 p.m. Wednesday night to post your recipes- I will announce the winners by Thursday morning.

To enter, you need to be a follower of the Blog (click the "join this site" button on the right side) AND you have to "like" SanAngeloMoms' Facebook page. Other than that, it's open to everyone!

IF you have problems posting to the blog, don't worry! Just post to the SanAngeloMoms page, under the post about the contest (so I can find it easily). 

Can't wait to see all the great recipes everyone posts~ After all, who can't use some new dinner ideas?

Here's my family's newest favorite dinner recipe:

Sausage and Peppers Casserole

4 T olive oil, divided
2 lbs turkey sausage, sliced
1 red onion, quartered and separated
1 pkg tri-colored peppers, cut into 1" strips
16 oz bag frozen green beans
14 oz can diced tomatoes, undrained
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 T Italian seasoning
8 oz sliced mushrooms

Preheat oven to 375. Heat 2 T oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add sausage; cook, stirring occasionally, until browned, about 6 minutes. Remove sausage to bowl. Drain fat from skillet. Heat 2 T oil in skillet over med-hi heat. Add onion and peppers; cook, stirring until tender, about 2 minutes. Add green beans, tomatoes, garlic ,and seasoning. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes. Combine sausage, vegetable mixture and mushrooms in a 9X13' baking dish. Bake uncovered until well browned, about 40 minutes.


  1. my favorite pregnancy food craving:
    Leos Dippy Dessert serves 2
    2 tablespoons of Greek God Honey Vanilla Yogurt
    1 tablespoon of peanut butter or crunchy almond butter

    Mix with a fork until blended and smooth. Use as a dip for apples or any fruit!

  2. Yummm! Thanks for posting this! Lol, and it looks like you've won tickets to tonight's show :)

  3. Hi Kin~ I can't find your "real" name to send you a message with ticket info... Can you send me an email so I can contact you? Thanks!
